Michelle Dahl

Michelle Dahl will join the National Police Accountability Project, where she will create a comprehensive resource hub and network to empower public defenders in developing civil rights litigation to address constitutional violations they see in their communities. The resources will be generated through work as co-counsel to civil rights litigators and in partnerships with public defenders across the country.

Michelle's studies and clinical work at NYU Law focused on legal empowerment and civil rights in the criminal legal system. Prior to law school, she worked for several years in nonprofit development, dedicated a year to living and working in a Palestinian community in Jerusalem, and served as an AmeriCorps member in Western Massachusetts leading after-school programs for middle school youth.

Michelle is a graduate of Smith College and the United Lutheran Seminary in Philadelphia, where she earned a Master of Arts in Public Leadership. She plans to pursue a career in civil rights litigation, bringing greater accountability on behalf of those impacted by the criminal legal system.

Fellowship type: Justice Catalyst

Organization: National Police Accountability Project (NPAP)

Project name: Impact Approaches for Defenders: Increasing Police Accountability


Poonam Daryani


Andrea Ashburn