Path-breaking approaches that improve the lives of those denied access to justice

The Fellowship

Justice Catalyst administers one-year, potentially renewable, project-based fellowships for graduating law students, or graduates up to two years out of law school. The Fellowship supports innovative social impact work at nonprofit organizations as well as unions, plaintiff-side/public interest law firms, and government agencies.


We also run a fellowship focused on plaintiff-side antitrust litigation.


There is a two-part fellowship application process:

  • Part 1 (Optional) – Prospectus submissions are closed for this cycle. Responses rolling in through early November.

  • Part 2 (Required) – Application submissions are closed for this cycle.

Application submissions are closed for this cycle.

How it Works


of Justice Catalyst fellows remain in public service positions following their Fellowships

law schools represented

Fellowship Overview and Benefits

  • Begin your legal career by undertaking a boundary-pushing project that addresses a pressing problem in the U.S.

  • Partner with a nonprofit organization, government agency, union, or plaintiff-side/public interest law firm to propose an innovative legal project

  • One-year Fellowship with potential of up to one additional year of renewal

  • $73,000 in salary support provided to the host organization each year

  • Potential for additional monetary support for the project or for the Fellow to launch a new nonprofit or initiative coming out of their Fellowship term

  • Health insurance & fringe benefits provided by host organization

Justice Catalyst Fellowship Approach

Justice Catalyst activates path-breaking approaches to social justice lawyering and affirmative litigation that have real-world impact and improve the lives of low-wage workers, the poor, and the marginalized. What we look for in Fellowship projects:

Groundbreaking, creative ideas

Real-world, large-scale impact
that improves the lives of those denied access to justice

Early-stage projects
that are boundary-pushing in the pursuit of systemic, transformative solutions to major injustices

Priority areas of work

We get excited about proposed projects across a broad spectrum of topic areas and each year we award fellowships focused on varied and diverse topics. We particularly welcome applications in our priority areas of work.

Note that the Justice Catalyst Fellowship program has no subject area restrictions – we welcome projects focused on any and all issue areas. The fellowship program is primarily U.S.-focused but we occasionally support projects based outside of the country with a close nexus to the U.S.

Justice Catalyst Fellows

Justice Catalyst Partnerships is a registered 501(c)(3) organization
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