JC Fellow Amelia Caramadre at Action Lab at the Center for Health Policy & Law Fights for Protecting Civil Rights for People with Substance Use Disorders
JC Fellow Amelia Caramadre and colleague Sean McCormick at Action Lab at the Center for Health Policy & Law published an article in the American Bar Association’s Health Law Section eSource.
For her fellowship project, Caramadre conducts government compliance research, creates legal educational materials, and develops lawsuits related to the civil rights of people in need of medication for opioid use disorder within the carceral and rehab industrial complexes.
In the article, the authors illustrate that while thousands lose their lives due to the overdose crisis, medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) offer a critical and evidence-based tool that reduces the risk of fatal opioid overdose. The problem is that barriers, such as institutional and interpersonal stigma, limit MOUD access for many people, particularly the incarcerated population. Fortunately, recent actions by the U.S.Department of Justice (DOJ) and private parties have provided a pathway to overcoming these barriers by employing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and resisting discriminatory healthcare decision-making.
To learn more about this critical issue, read the full article:
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