Tassinari v. The Salvation Army et. al. (2021)
Justice Catalyst Law and the Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center filed a federal class action lawsuit alleging The Salvation Army’s discriminatory and outdated policy and practice denies services in its Adult Rehabilitation Centers (ARCs) to individuals who receive evidence based medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid-use disorder (OUD). The Salvation Army’s ARCs are a nationwide network of over 100 programs and services geared at individuals with substance use disorders, including OUD. The program receives thousands of participants in the “no-fee” program from court referrals, diversionary programs, prison, and probation, making it one of the largest rehabilitation providers in the country. The Boston Globe and Filter Magazine wrote about our work here and here.
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Plaintiff With Opioid Use Disorder Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Salvation Army
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