College Board Extends NRP Deadline After Demand by Students of Color and Advocates
College Board Extends National Recognition Programs Deadline After Demand by Students of Color and Advocates
College Board gives excluded high-achieving Black, Hispanic, Latino, Indigenous and students from rural areas additional window of time to secure participation in National Recognition Programs
December 14, 2021—New York, NY—One week after Justice Catalyst Law and Potomac Law Group sent a demand letter asking College Board to include all eligible Black, Hispanic, Latino, Indigenous, and Rural-located seniors in their National Recognition Programs, the College Board updated their National Recognition Programs website to indicate that eligible students who had previously been excluded from those honors now have a one-time application window through December 31, 2021 in which to apply. Students who wish to receive recognition by the end of December must apply before December 17, 2021.This means that any high school senior identifying as Black, Latino, Hispanic, or Indigenous, or who attend school in a rural or small town, and who either (i) took the PSAT exam and scored in the top 10% of their state, OR (ii) scored a 3 or higher on at least two AP exams by their junior year, now has until December 17, 2021 to apply for recognition this year, and December 31, 2021 for recognition in early 2022.Eligible students can apply by clicking this link: Any additional extensions of time will likely be posted on the same site, so check back frequently.College Board has provided this additional window for its National Recognition Programs after conceding that it had failed to invite all eligible members of the class of 2022 to participate in the Programs in a timely manner. Justice Catalyst Law and Potomac Law Group have renewed their call to the College Board to provide notice of this new, abbreviated application window to all eligible seniors, which the College Board has committed to doing, without specific assurances as to the specific students it will be reaching out to, or how it intends to do so.
Any student who may be eligible for College Board’s National Recognition Programs should apply through the link provided above before the December 17th or December 31st deadlines, as applicable, and follow up to confirm that they receive written notification that they have, in fact, been awarded the appropriate recognition status. Seniors should then immediately notify all colleges and universities and any scholarship programs to which they have applied, that they have received this honor, as this honor may impact eligibility for admissions and scholarships.
If you have questions about this process and would like to contact a responsible individual at College Board, please email Jennifer Mulhern at Please copy or on your email to College Board to help ensure that all eligible students receive the honors they have earned. If you are a parent or student and want to help spread the word about this opportunity, please feel free to forward this notice.
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