Vishal Reddy

Vishal is a Justice Catalyst Fellow with Local Progress, a membership-based organization whose members are progressive local elected officials. He will focus on equipping Local Progress members in the South with the legal and policy support needed to build worker power and improve working conditions.

He grew up in Cleveland and went to University of North Carolina, where he developed a fierce faith in people-powered social movements. After college he returned to Cleveland, where he worked as an educator and later as an organizer working with folks experiencing homelessness. He took a year-long leave of absence from law school in 2020 to first work for Bernie Sanders and later for People’s Action. Through his clinics and internships at NYU Law, he worked on issues of workers’ rights, voting rights, housing justice, and prison abolition. These experiences have strengthened Vishal’s commitment to being a movement lawyer who helps mass social movements build our world.

Fellowship type: Justice Catalyst

Organization: Local Progress

Project name: Advancing Worker Power in the South


Mustafa Isaac Filat


Sam Rosen